I was looking into getting a developer account to prototype my development on the web. There are many relatively cheap packages out there but my idea setup costs $60 USD (which I'm trying to save). I have used WAMP - essentially a web-server-in-a-box solution that sets you up with a PHP-MYSQL server that you can install your latest PHP-web development project and can be browsed locally with any browser you have installed on a windows machine. MAMP is the Mac equivalent.
I was quite impressed with the easy installation. With a simple drag and drop to my application folder I had a webserver ready to go on PHP5.3 and MYSQL5. I immediately installed a Modx 1.0.4 instance and it was running with in 5 minutes.
I had a little trouble with installing a Modx gallery module. It turned out I required a slight php.ini edit to turn off 'magic quotes' which I might add was even easier than editing my work development server's php.ini since the config file was easily found in the MAMP's application config folder.
MAMP comes with a configuration interface that allows you to change where the resource files are accessed and the 'big switch' that shuts down or starts up your MAMP server instance. MAMP has two release versions - one free and one 'professional' version which allows users to setup simultaneous multiple MAMP instances. For most of my development needs, however, I can deal with one server. Both versions also come with a local web interface that give you easy access to the phpinfo page (that reports the status of your php server) and a phpmyadmin instance to monitor and edit your MAMP server mysql installation. For more information and the downloads go to http://www.mamp.info/en/index.html.
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